A glimpse into the journal I kept for all 38 days on the Camino Frances, including up to 10 photos (not necessarily the best pictures but more that they represent that day in some particular way). Today is day 0 – April 20th. Toulouse to St. Jean-Pied-du-Port

Day one of the Camino! Over 6 years in the making and I can’t believe the day is done. …

The train rides were uneventful other than me almost missing the second train due to my tendency to “know it all”. I thought one particular train couldn’t have been my train but it turns out, it was. Waiting on the platform at Bayonne was rather interesting – seeing all the arriving pilgrims, all waiting for the train but not many talking to each other unless they arrived together. Once at SJPdP, I had no idea where to go, which is unusual for me. I actually went with the flow and followed the crowd of about 15 pilgrims to the centre of town and soon found my lodgings for the night. L’Espirit du Chemin is interesting. Once they verified who I was, I got an aperitif and was shown where everyone was congregated to introduce themselves: 2 ladies from Slovenia, 1 guy who has trouble trusting people, an Australian lady who said that when she hears church bells she stops and breaths three times as a way to practice mindfulness, some Germans, an American, couple Canadians, and others. …

After dinner…when I came back downstairs…singing and music playing had started amongst the other pilgrims: my cue to return to my room upstairs.

day 0