A glimpse into the journal I kept for all 38 days on the Camino Frances, including up to 10 photos (not necessarily the best pictures but more that they represent that day in some particular way). Today is day 1 – April 21st. St. Jean-Pied-du-Port to Orisson (Pyrenees)
The real day one! …
Morning was spent packing, breakfast at L’Espirit du Chemin, wandering a bit of SJPDP with two German women (citadel and a boutique where I got a pewter shell for my pack) and checking out the pilgrim’s office.
Robin (an American) and I decided it would be nice to tackle the mountain [Pyrenees] with someone so we joined forces. It was quickly apparent that she got the short end of the stick as I suck on hills and she is pretty good on them since she trained in the Cascades Mountains near her hometown of Seattle. The walk to Orisson is 8km and it took us 4 hours. The elevation gain to someone who lives in a valley is brutal. But the day was lovely weather-wise and view-wise. Views are exactly why I do silly things like climb the Pyrenees with a 19lbs pack.
Hi Kendra, I am catching up on my reading! you are bringing back such wonderful memories! my husband and I took 4 hrs to walk to Orisson as well, in an afternoon of 30 degree heat, after riding the train in the morning into St. Jean! silly of us to plan the first day like that, but we made it, and it was beautiful… thanks for sparking these memories!
Oh wow! 30 degrees on the exposed uphill Pyrenees?? That must have been tough!
Those are some STEEP streets! It will be fun to follow your adventure.
Thanks, Marilyn – I hope you enjoy it!
The scenery is just so stunning. Good motivation for your first day of walking!
most definitely! it was what kept me going, that’s for sure
Kendra, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about day one and the photos are stunning. Looking forward to the next 38 days!
Thanks, Pam! 🙂 I hope you continue to enjoy it!