A glimpse into the journal I kept for all 38 days on the Camino Frances, including up to 10 photos (not necessarily the best pictures but more that they represent that day in some particular way). Today is day 36 – May 26th. Palas del Rei to Arzua
Longish day in terms of distance so for those who started in Sarria, it was probably a tough day. But at least it was relatively flat with countryside roads and paths and many horreros to admire. …
I passed through the village of Furelos. I was very focused on getting to the church as I had heard that they have a pretty cool stamp for pilgrims – it reflects the crucifix they have which is supposedly either the only or one of very few in existence where Jesus has one arm hanging down from the cross. When I arrived in Furelos, I had a bit of luck as the church service was just ending so the church was actually open! But again, I wish I had the time to wander the village but knowing there are a ton more pilgrims on the route, it made me nervous about getting a bed at night….so I didn’t linger once I got my stamp.
Not much further was the town of Melide. Being a Sunday, the town was busy busy. It was stressful passing through as the crowds made it difficult to stay on the Camino. Eagle eyes were required in order to find the arrows amidst the throngs. Melide is a fairly modern looking place but I did manage to find the 14th-century stone cross reputed to be oldest in Galicia. …
I’ve noticed that the amount of photos I’m taking per day is less. It seems to be a mix of there is only so many countryside pictures I can take from the same area, as well as that the Camino energy has changed. It is no longer one of leisure, exploration, and freedom. The goal is in sight, now. I’m 2 days out from Santiago and already I am having mixed feelings…
The old stone markers that pop up in regular intervals are wrong! Can’t rely on them at all. But they do make good photo opportunities! …
Stopped for the day at Arzua. It is a modern town and is the last large town before Santiago. I didn’t like it whatsoever…
The town of Arzua was grim, we were hunting for pizza (had a craving) and couldn’t find any. We did however find a park-like square that had a Continental feeling about it (being from S Africa this is wonderful).
Nice! I’m glad you found SOMETHING nice in Arzua, haha!
You’re really starting to sound a bit worn out at this point! It’s hard getting that last burst sometimes, even when the finish line is in sight!
Do you know what the significance of Jesus having one arm off the cross is?
I did sound a little cranky, eh. It was amusing to read my journal entries for these past few days. Re the significance, no idea. Maybe he’s beckoning to come join him? Maybe he’s in the process of being taken down?