A glimpse into the journal I kept for all 38 days on the Camino Frances, including up to 10 photos (not necessarily the best pictures but more that they represent that day in some particular way). Today is day 6 – April 26th. Cizur Menor to Obanos

At least I’m assuming it is this date as apparently today is Friday but I had thought it was Thursday. Ah well. It is rather glorious yet weird not to know the date or the day. …

It started to rain as we [still with Robin] walked which at first sucked but I grew to enjoy it. The cooler weather also made the hills easier. Also saw many slugs, many of whom I’m sure will get squished by passing pilgrims. Today’s milestone was the Alto de Perdon. Was a pity we couldn’t see the views but the monument had an air of mystery in the fog. But getting there meant traipsing through mud that added pounds to our boots, gusting wind, drenching rain, and washed out paths. …

Was a bit hard to ensure we were on the right path to Eunate but we got there in the end. Lovely to be there alone, no one around. Church was closed but I hopped the wall to walk in the external cloister. Pretty cool 12th century octagonal church with some interesting carvings along the outside. Climbing back out was a bit more difficult than going in. …

We walked to Obanos and I still hadn’t decided if I wanted there or Puente de la Reina. But we checked out the albergue and it looked nice so we stayed. It only ended up with about 10 of us in a 36 person space. Did laundry and wandered the town. Saw a horse (pet) that was excited to see us but the way it lipped my hand, I’m sure it wanted food. …

Dinner was a chicken broth with rice soup, pasta I couldn’t eat due to sausage, vegetable with potato soup, peppers stuffed with cheese and ground beef, and flan. I don’t like flan. Oh, and too much vino tinto. Hence the bad handwriting…

Camino Frances - day 6
Camino Frances - day 6
Camino Frances - day 6
Camino Frances - day 6
Camino Frances - day 6
Camino Frances - day 6
Camino Frances - day 6
Camino Frances - day 6
Camino Frances - day 6
Camino Frances - day 6