What about you – have you seen a collection of historical items that made you wonder if they were supposed to be serious or if they were crafted by someone with a sense of humour?
What to Expect When Visiting Fromista, Spain

What about you – have you seen a collection of historical items that made you wonder if they were supposed to be serious or if they were crafted by someone with a sense of humour?
These photos are fascinating. 11th Century. I agree that the images are depicting scenes from mythology, and built heavily into church lore. Also there are hints that although the sculptors were following a guide, but also their sense of humor does show in facial expressions especially. The supper scene with the “mystery meat” is hilarious, check the looks on the diners’ faces.
The Rusty Trunk is my favorite blog…always something worth spending time on. 🙂
Oh, wow – thanks so much for your kind words. I’m very happy you have been enjoying your time here 🙂
The mystery meat picture is awesome – I also love how there is one guy poking at it, haha!
Ha ha! Wow! There are definitely some interesting things here! I particularly like the one that looks like a demon is vomiting a sash for some women to wear, and they look very grateful for it!
It’s strangely hard to tell who’s being eating and who’s being regurgitated…
I wonder how much actually has to do directly with religion and how much with older traditions/superstitions?
And what IS that on the plate?! My best guess is a ferret, because everyone loves to eat delicious ferret…
LOL aww the poor ferret…
What a great post! It just goes to show that art (or whatever) is always open to interpretation! I like your humorous position, and I have to say that some of these really make a person wonder….
Thanks, Marilyn! I’m glad you enjoyed it and that they made you wonder, too!