There are hundreds of reasons why people travel and a quick Google search will provide you with the little reasons and the lofty reasons…but they are all personal reasons and will differ from person to person. Travel for me has always been a necessity, a raison d’être. I am, after all, a self-confessed cubicle escape artist! Here are five reasons why I travel, in no particular order:
The Great Cubicle Escape

My tag line has me claiming that I’m a cubicle escape artist. Being stuck at the office reminds me how I find the routine of settled life kinda boring. Travel allows me to have a change of scenery and to mess up my perspective on the world yet again. It challenges me in a way that only the unfamiliar can, and provides me with a chance to see or experience something new.

An Excuse to Research

Especially when it comes to travel, I love to research the crap out of things. Learning about a place (history, sights, foods, scams, etc) is half the fun of travel. It is also a chance to acquire a bit of a new language, to learn about a culture’s customs, and to figure out random things like how a port’s cruise ship schedule would impact my sightseeing. I told you – I take my research seriously!

Feelin’ Alive and Learning

Life is about being out there, experiencing and learning all the random things that come with travel. And sometimes, you pick up random skills when travelling. For example, on the Camino Frances, I became very proficient at walking while taking off my jacket without taking off my giant backpack or the camera strapped across my chest. Dunno ‘bout you but I’m ready for the Zombie Apocalypse!

Passport Stamps Collection

I love seeing my passport fill up with stamps. I’m weird like that. I was very upset when Cuba did not stamp my passport. In contrast, I was excited when I received the Machu Picchu stamp in Peru and a green three-leaf clover in Montserrat. I also got stamps to my heart’s content along the Camino Frances, of course. Passport stamps are awesome.

My Love of Photography

As you can probably tell by now in this blog, I love photography. I am very bad at carving out time for my hobby when I am at home but when I’m on the road, my camera is practically glued to my face. Some people say photography prevents you from being in the moment but for me, it grounds me in the moment and makes me appreciate what I’m seeing and experiencing. Long live the camera!

Question: So, why do YOU travel? What has been your favorite passport stamp so far?